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De-chu Christopher Tang

De-chu Christopher Tang

VaxDome LLC, USA

Title: Activation of protective innate-adaptive immunity duo for conferring rapid-sustained-broad protection of vaccinees against influenza


Biography: De-chu Christopher Tang


We report that intranasal administration of an E1/E3-defective (E1E3) adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5)-vectored influenza vaccine could induce seroconversion in human volunteers without appreciable adverse effects, even in subjects with pre-existing Ad5 immunity. Mice and ferrets were well protected against challenge by a lethal dose of an H5N1 avian influenza virus following intranasal instillation of an Ad5 vector encoding hemagglutinin (HA) in a single-dose regimen. Moreover, the E1E3 Ad5 particle itself without transgene could confer rapid-sustained-broad protection against influenza by inducing an anti-influenza state in a drug-like manner, conceivably by activating a specific arm of innate immunity. An Ad5 vector encoding HA thus consolidates drug and vaccine into a single package, which allows the Ad5 backbone to induce protective innate immunity capable of conferring nearly-immediate and prolonged (e.g., 5 hours to 47 days) protection as the first wave against influenza; followed by HA-mediated adaptive immunity as the second wave before the innate immunity-associated anti-influenza state declines away. Overall, the work conceivably would foster the development of a novel noninvasive drug-vaccine duo platform technology capable of conferring rapid-sustained-broad protection in a wide variety of influenza settings, with neither the potential to induce drug resistance nor that to trigger harmful systemic inflammation.