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Hiroshi Kida

Hiroshi Kida

Professor Emeritus
Hokkaido University


Hiroshi Kida, DVM, PhD, Member of the Japan Academy, is Professor Emeritus, Head of the Research Center for Zoonosis Control at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, Head of the OIE Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza, and Head of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Zoonoses Control. He has experiences of the development of influenza and leptospirosis vaccines as Research Officer at Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd (1969-1976). Since 1976, he has devoted himself to research and education at Hokkaido University and been the recipient of several awards and honors such as Japan Academy Prize for “Studies on Control of Influenza -Mechanism of Emergence of Pandemic Influenza Virus Strains in Poultry, Domestic Animals and Humans, and Molecular Basis of the Neutralization of Viral Infectivity with Antibodies”. He is the author of 304 original articles and 142 book chapters and reviews.

Research Interest

His research interest includes ecology and pathogenesis of influenza viruses, zoonoses control, and vaccinology.